Friday, March 12, 2010

A taste of what you will learn when you take our two day workshop. (Notice I said 'when' its inevitable, might as well just go now).

Soak 8 oz of sunflower seed per seed tray for 24 hours. Lay into seed tray containing basic potting soil medium and keep moist and covered for a couple of days. Roots will develop and grow into soil. Begin to harvest once sprouts reach dicot (two leaf) stage. A white and fuzzy mold is often visible at the soil surface, don’t worry, you can still eat what you cut. Cut stem towards base, rinse and enjoy in salads and smoothies. A spritzer spray bottle is useful for watering microgreens to avoid flooding the tray. Two good options for micro greens are buckwheat and sunflower seeds.

Here are some photos of my progress thus far!

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